Friday, December 6, 2019

Desert Skies Day 2

Today while I played, I found the oasis and traded with an NPC,  also know as non-playable character, for iron ingots so I could make a smelter to cook more iron and gold ingots. After I had the ingots I made a anvil to make a gun and and some gold bullets on. With the gun and bullets I searched for the seeker, once I found him, I shot his heart until he died. Once I killed him, I took his head and mounted it on a wall. After I killed him I traveled a little further until I found a new area. This area was full of scorpions that had the same textures as the seeker. That area was the end of the early access from the version I am on. After the end of the game you can continue but there is no story. It took me about 2 hours in total to complete the story of Desert Skies, I really enjoyed what I played of it. This is what I did on this version of Desert Skies. Next week ill be on a newer version to blog about.  :)

                                    these are some of the pictures i took while playing:

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